Home > Motorized Stage

Motorized Stage

The motorized stage provides high resolution and repeatable movement of microscope slides. It could be used as part of automated microscope systems with various commercial step motor controllers. Scanning stage

Key Features


(Tests were performed with IM483I microstepping controller from Intelligent Motion Systems, Marlborough, CT):

Resolution From 5 um (full step) to 0.04 um (1/128 microstep)
Backlash In X direction - 3 um, in Y direction - 8 um
Repeatability (unidirectional) In X and Y direction - 3 um
Speed 7 mm/sec (at 0.3 um resolution)

Ordering Information

Part number


Price (US$)

006-02 Motorized Stage for Olympus BX 2000.
006-03 Motorized Stage for Nikon E600 2000.
006-92 Cables (set of two) 80.

Specifications are subject to change without notice. Delivery 4-6 weeks ARO.

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