Home > Filter Cube Slider

Filter Cube Slider

Filter cube slider provides fast switching of filter cubes used in fluorescent microscopes. Time between adjacent positions is 200 ms. The slider uses standard filter cubes and has 6 cube positions. Cubes can be inserted and removed by hand without any tools. The slider mounts in the existing mounting holes in the microscope body, no modifications are needed. The slider does not interfere with other standard microscope parts, e.g. objective turret. The use of individual filter cubes is more light-efficient compared to the use of multibandpass beam splitter and individual excitation filters. The operation of the filter cube slider does not introduce any more pixel shift than is inherent in the optics of the cubes.

Ordering information for filter cube sliders

Part number


Price (US$)

008-01 Filter cube slider for Nikon TE2000 1600.

Specifications are subject to change without notice. Delivery 6 weeks ARO.

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